Influence of Project Management Functions on Effective Implementation of Donor Funded Projects in Kenya

  • Mwangangi Stephen Kamba Jomo Kenyatta University
  • Dr. David Kiarie Mburu Jomo Kenyatta University
Keywords: Planning, Organizing, Monitoring and Controlling, Coordinating, Directing


Projects remain the instruments of choice for policy makers in international development.
Yet, paradoxically, the poor implementation of projects and the disappointment of project
stakeholders and beneficiaries seem to have become the rule and not the exception in
contemporary reality. Kenya is one of the countries that receive a lot of donor support to
set up projects for the purpose of improving the status of its population such as
employment, alleviation of poverty, increase of economic performance and supporting
social cohesion. Despite enormous resources channeled by donors in setting up these
projects, little impact has been realized as trends in implementation rates continues to
surge as a result of lack of Project Management Functions. The main purpose of this
study was to establish influence of Project Management Functions on effective
implementation of donor funded projects in Kenya. The study was guided by the
following specific objectives: To find out the influence of planning and organizing on
effective implementation of donor funded projects in Kenya; To investigate the influence
of monitoring and evaluation on effective implementation of donor funded projects in
Kenya; To examine the influence of directing and controlling on effective implementation
of donor funded projects in Kenya; To study the influence of directing and controlling on
effective implementation of donor funded projects in Kenya and to establish the influence
of coordination on effective implementation of donor funded projects in Kenya. The study
was built on the contingency theory, theory of constraints, theory of agency and theory of
change. The target population of this study was 177 that is project managers (top and
middle level), chairpersons of the beneficiary groups and representatives of the donor
agencies in Mutitu Sub-County. Donor agencies and targeted beneficiaries from each
sampled donor funded projects. The primary data was gathered from the questionnaires


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Author Biographies

Mwangangi Stephen Kamba, Jomo Kenyatta University

Masters’ Student in Project Management at Jomo Kenyatta University of
Agriculture and Technology

Dr. David Kiarie Mburu, Jomo Kenyatta University

Lecture, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

How to Cite
Kamba, M. S., & Mburu, D. D. K. (2016). Influence of Project Management Functions on Effective Implementation of Donor Funded Projects in Kenya. IJRDO - Journal of Applied Management Science, 2(4), 01-45.