Title: Some principles in doing autoethnography

  • Ho Kam Kau Elizabeth (Dr) The University of Hong Kong
  • Ki Wing Wah (Dr) Honorary The University of Hong Kong
Keywords: autoethnography, forgiveness, identity, teacher emotion, mentality, theme, lived experience


Autoethnography is a popular research method in the understanding of lived
experience in relation with cultural, social and emotional conditions. The paper
is going to present a method of doing ‘autoethnography’ with reflective thinking
in which 1. the author is a main participant 2. Use layers of reflective thinking 3.
Devote to the understanding of culture and emotion in relation of teaching ethnic
minority in the learning of Chinese in his or her life situation. At different stages
of our life, there are episodes of life experience, which we would like to learn
from it and invite others to share. Writing autoethnography is simply a
promising way to help us learn from our lived experience. To achieve this
purpose, an example of teacher’s autoethnography will be reviewed. It is about the emotional challenge experience of a teacher who begins to teach ethnic
minority students the dominant language of Chinese in Hong Kong. 


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Author Biographies

Ho Kam Kau Elizabeth (Dr), The University of Hong Kong

Faculty of Education

Ki Wing Wah (Dr) Honorary, The University of Hong Kong

Associate Professor, Faculty of Education,

How to Cite
Elizabeth (Dr), H. K. K., & (Dr) Honorary, K. W. W. (2017). Title: Some principles in doing autoethnography. IJRDO-Journal of Applied Science, 3(2), 15-39. https://doi.org/10.53555/as.v3i2.1215