Role of a Teacher in Innovative Education and Development of Institute

  • Girija Shankar
Keywords: Technology, Education, Innovation, Barriers, Access, Opportunity, Programmes, Learners, Educators


Innovation is defined as “the process of making changes to something established by
introducing something new.” Over the years there have been many changes in the way
education is designed and delivered in parts of the world. How can innovation and
technology offset the barriers of access and mobility that has been a deterrent to education in
many parts of the developing world?


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Author Biography

Girija Shankar

Sr. Research Officer, P&DD
Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi -110068 (India)


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5. Ehrman, M. E.: Understanding Second Language Learning Difficulties,
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6. Furth, H.G.: The world of Grown-ups: Children’s Conception of Society, New
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How to Cite
Shankar, G. (2015). Role of a Teacher in Innovative Education and Development of Institute. IJRDO-Journal of Applied Science, 1(2), 20-24.