Cry, the Pea-cock, A perpetual meaning and value of life

  • Dr. Felix Nayak


Anita Desai’s characters are distinguished by the qualities of
introspection, introversion and a refusal to surrender their individual selves.
What one observes is a chain reaction of one leading to the other with the
emerging picture of a battered and bruised individual writhing in pain and
anguish. Thus Anita Desai’s novels indicate a shift from the external to the
inner world of the individual. “ A marked leaning towards such an introversion
is seen in Anita Desai’s writing”. 1 Her women protagonists, strive towards
arriving at a more authentic way of life than the one which is available to them.
2 They in vain long for love and communion of the spirit which they perceive
as the panaceas of the ills of the world. Their refusal to compromise and
surrender and their inability to accept the perspective of their patrons
inevitably result in isolation and loneliness. Lack of faith as well as lack
understanding drive them to indulge in a futile search for fulfillment which is a
mirage in the inhuman and materialistic world.


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Author Biography

Dr. Felix Nayak

Assistant Professor & Head,
Department of English,
Mahant Laxmi Narayan Das College,
Raipur (C.G.)


1. The Indian Writer’s problems, “Explorations in Modern Indo-English
fictioned. R.K. Dhawan, P-22’
2. Jasbir Jain, “Anita Desai, Indian English Novelists, ed. Madhadan
Prasad P-21
3. Indian writing in English, P-465.
How to Cite
Nayak, D. F. (2015). Cry, the Pea-cock, A perpetual meaning and value of life. IJRDO-Journal of Applied Science, 1(7), 15-18.