• Maleny Jauregui Torres Universidad Juárez Autónoma De Tabasco, México
Keywords: quality, consumers, micro-enterprises, operations


Microenterprises are economic entities made up of small and medium-sized commercial entities, in which their operations are smaller, and their development is slower, since in most cases they were created through an enterprise to obtain greater resources through the sale of a product or service. This type of companies presents various obstacles to a more efficient development as well as an impediment in fulfilling their short- and long-term objectives, this is due to the lack of an organizational plan, as well as systems that help the operational and financial procedures of the entity. Therefore, the application of a quality management system helps to improve its operational part in relation to its products and services offered by improving consumer satisfaction, through an adequate and reasonable quality with which the various individuals can meet each of their needs satisfactorily. The objective of this study is to describe how microenterprises have a quality management system to improve their processes continuously, to have a greater reach in consumers and be able to meet their demands appropriately complying with various quality standards thus demonstrating the commitment they have to the consumer.


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How to Cite
Torres, M. J. (2022). QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS, IMPACT WITHIN MICROENTERPRISES. IJRDO Journal of Economics, Planning and Finance Management, 1(1), 1-4. Retrieved from