Learning the English Language within Multilingual Context

  • Sariyya Sevdimaliyeva MA student,
  • Hajiyeva Afet Azerbaijan University of Languages, Department of Foreign Languages, Azerbaijan
Keywords: English language, multilingualism, teaching English, education, Azerbaijan


The article explores the benefits of learning and knowing English in a multilingual context. Nowadays, knowing more than one language is a requirement for many people worldwide in order to compete with other professionals within the business environment. In today’s world, English, as a chief language of international business, is spoken as a second or third language in many countries around the world.  In many multilingual countries, English is considered one of the main languages, which ease the process of communication and interaction among different individuals, people, and societies. So that English can be considered as a core factor in the creation and development of multilingualism within society. Research evidence suggests that having more than one language generates varied kinds of networks in the brain, which gives multilingual individuals advantages and benefits in some respects compared to other monolingual individuals. Thus, knowing the English language plays an important role not only in developing communication skills but also in achieving success in career life.


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1. Joyce Milambiling, “Bringing One Language to Another: Multilingualism as a Resource in the Language Classroom” English teaching forum, Available at: https://americanenglish.state.gov/files/ae/resource_files/49_1_4_milambiling-1.pdf ;
2. Maureen Lugoloobi-Nalunga, (2013).“Teaching and learning English in a multilingual classroom”, A study of code-switching in an EFL/ESL teaching/learning situation, Available at: https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:704152/FULLTEXT01.pdf ;
3. Andy Kirkpatrick, “Learning English and other languages in multilingual settings: myth and principles”, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Available at: http://libdr1.ied.edu.hk/pubdata/img00/arch00/link/archive/1/instarh/3149_image.pdf
4. Jenny Cheshire, “English Around the World: Sociolinguistic Perspectives”, Cambridge University Press;
5. Dessislava Georgieva Bekrieva-Grannis, “The impact of multilingualism & language learning experiences on an immigrant woman's identity: a case study”, Available at: https://lib.dr.iastate.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=17267&context=rtd ;
6. ADA University official website, Available at: http://www.ada.edu.az/en-US/Pages/about_ada.aspx ;
7. James W. Tollefson, Ideology, language varieties and ELT, The University of Washington, USA, pp. 1-13, Available at: file:///C:/Users/Administrator/Downloads/9780387463001-c2.pdf ;
8. Ulrike Jessner and Jasone Cenoz, Teaching English as a Third Language, pp. 155-169.
How to Cite
Sevdimaliyeva, S., & Afet, H. (2018). Learning the English Language within Multilingual Context. IJRDO- Journal of Educational Research, 3(12), 13-18. https://doi.org/10.53555/er.v3i12.2590