• Peter Chemei Cheseto
  • Caroline Kathure Gatobu Kaimosi Friends University
Keywords: Conflicts, food availability, food insecurity, traditional security threats


Food security is paramount in any political system as a unitary actor. The primary role of any government is to ensure the security of its population is secured against food insecurity, insurgency and traditional security threats. The contemporary identifies world food security as one of the components of non-traditional security threats and conflict is said to be affecting food security globally. The study herein sought to examine the effect of conflicts on food availability in Pokot Central Sub County. The study used themes derived from the objectives to review relevant literature and employed conflict theory propounded by Karl Marx. Also conceptual framework was used to identify dependent, independent and intervening variables. The study utilized a descriptive research design to bring in the nexus between conflict and food security. Area of study was West Pokot Central Sub County in West Pokot County with a population of 114, 093 residents and it covers 2,380 km square. The study sample size was 200 and was calculated using Yamane Taro’s formula. The study used a multistage sampling which is a sampling technique that is used to select a representative sample of a large population. The sampling strategy involved dividing the population into smaller, more homogeneous groups or clusters, and then selecting a random sample of individuals or sub-groups within each cluster. Sample size was divided into residents, Ngo’s employees, households, church leaders, political leaders and administrators and data was collected by use of questionnaires and interviews. Questionnaires were administered to residents while interviews were used to collect data from key informants who included Ngo’s employees, administrators and political leaders. Reliability of research tools were tested by administering them to selected respondents prior to the real data collection process. The study observed research ethical considerations, and also sought consent from the respondents before proceeding to collect data from them; and kept their anonymity and confidentiality of obtained information. Data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics and the findings were presented in tables and percentages and summary, conclusions and recommendations were made guided by research themes. The study established that conflict significantly disrupts the availability in Pokot Central Sub County.


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How to Cite
Cheseto , P. C., & Gatobu, C. K. (2023). EFFECT OF CONFLICTS ON FOOD AVAILABILITY IN POKOT CENTRAL SUB -COUNTY, KENYA. IJRDO Journal of Food & Nutrition, 3(1), 1-5. Retrieved from