Fuelwood Shortage in South Sudan: A Case Study of Renk County, Upper Nile State

  • Angelo Okic Yor none
Keywords: Fuelwood, shortage, Renk County and Upper Nile, South Sudan


The paper tried to analyze the causes of fuelwood shortage in South Sudan: A case study of Renk County. The aims of this paper are to investigate the background of the fuelwood, causes, the impacts of fuelwood shortage in Renk County and suggest the solutions to fuelwood shortage in the County. This study used a personal interview and questionnaire method for the purposes of data collection from Shamadi Payam as a concern area of the study in Renk County.  Nevertheless, this study also used secondary data sources such as textbooks, published scientific papers, organizational records, and previous studies. An analysis of the data collected, a descriptive statistical method was employed for the aim of finding the background of fuelwood, the causes and purposing budget for planting trees in the households as well as introducing agroforestry programs to the community in Renk County using frequencies, percentages distribution tables.  The finding includes the budget table, as well as the implementation timetable.  Also, the study found that 35% of the problems of fuelwood shortage in the County due to the pilling of trees for construction or house building in the area. Moreover, the study found 40% of people cutting down the trees for cultivation and settlement processes in Renk County. The study recommended that the shortage of fuelwood in Renk County, Shamadi Payam, and Boma should be solved by planting in households and introducing agroforestry programs to the community. The communities must use cow dunk as an alternative for cooking and heating in the area.  In addition, World Bank should provide a helpful hand to South Sudan to set successful projects establishment the sources of energy such as solar systems as well as permanent electricity in the Country in general and Renk County in particular.


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7. Samuel John, the official in the department of forestry and range office in Renk, (2010).
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How to Cite
Okic Yor, A. (2021). Fuelwood Shortage in South Sudan: A Case Study of Renk County, Upper Nile State. IJRDO Journal of History & Geography, 2(1), 17-22. Retrieved from