A Phonological Study of Hausa Loanwords in Mundang Language

  • Ezekiel Kefas Etienne
Keywords: languages, adaptation, Mundang, influence, Sub-Prefecture


The early contact between Mundang and other languages like French, Arabic, Fulfulde, and Hausa had brought borrowing and adaptation of lexical words into the Mundang language. This study looks at the various domains and the changes found in the loanwords

The term Mundang refers both to the people and the language. The Mundang language is spoken in Western Chad, Extreme Northern Cameroon and North Eastern Nigeria. In Nigeria, the language is spoken in Numan, Demsa, Yola North and South and Mubi North and South local government areas of Adamawa state.  According to Elders (2000) Mundang language has three dialects. The Kaélé Mundang is spoken in Cameroon specifically in the district of Bibémi, Djalaoumi.  Padarmie, Vounré, Tiheré, Madjoldeu, Bikalé, Bideu, Makpuré Mafalé, Matsin, Moundanré, Mayo-loppé, Bidjomé, Majaola etc located in the Department of Benue, North region of the country.

            The Léré Mundang dialect, considered to be the central form (standard), is spoken in Chad specifically in Mayo- kebbi in the sub-prefecture of Léré in the Western region of Chad. Moreover, there is Torrock Mundang which is spoken in the Sub-Prefecture of Pala, Mayo – Kebbi of Western region of Chad. All the Mundang dialects are spoken in the local government areas mentioned above as a result of early immigrations by the native speakers of the dialects from Cameroon and Chad.

        According to Koslow (1995) Hausa is the most widely spoken language in West Africa. It is spoken by an estimated 22 million people. Another 17 million people speak Hausa as a second language.

The Hausa language exercises great influence over other languages because of its status as a lingua franca in northern Nigeria. This study examines the Hausa loanwords,   in Mundang language.

Author Biography

Ezekiel Kefas Etienne

Adamawa State Polytechnic, Yola


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How to Cite
Ezekiel Kefas Etienne. (2024). A Phonological Study of Hausa Loanwords in Mundang Language. IJRDO Journal of Language, Gender and Literature Studies, 2(1), 1-35. Retrieved from